Raoul Wansi

La détente, 2022
Visionary Woman, 2022
The woman of the hour, 2022


Raoul Wansi‘s particularity is to draw inspiration from Cubism and apply it to the African context. His aim is to innovate, to create more, to communicate and to pass on his know-how to the new generation, in order to experiment with new adventures in the artistic field. A consuming passion fuelled by an unbridled desire to learn, to rise and to fulfil himself in life, he has always been passionate about art. Raoul Wanst immerses the abyss of a wandering human society in canvases and other media. A visual artist with a diploma from the Balmayo School of Fine Arts, he holds a degree in Plastic Arts and Art History from the University of Yaoundé. He has taken part in several group exhibitions in Cameroon and France, and is also a visual arts trainer at the Mam gallery in Douala, which is part of a project initiated by the MTN foundation (communications network) on the theme of artistic vision and awareness. It is based on several aspects: subject, form, composition and color.



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