Forum de l'Eau de l'Ouest(Water Forum of the West Region)

Art for water

March 19 - 23 2024

What Water’s second mission of 2024 to Cameroon took place from March 19th to March 23rd. The team attended the Forum de l’Eau de l’Ouest — Water Forum of the West Region, held in Bangangté – “La ville fontaine,” one of our close partner municipalities.

From March 20th to March 22nd, Mayor Eric Niat convened the Water Forum, a three-day event that brought together mayors from over 40 municipalities, along with partners, to communicate their strategic planning goals, share best practices, all with the aim of finding sustainable solutions to issues from water accessibility to sanitation.

The What Water team was an exhibitor alongside other local, national, and international actors of the water sector such as CAMWATER, Fonds Spécial d’Equipement et d’Intervention Intercommunale (FEICOM), and UNICEF. The team presented their solutions during Panel 6 on the Contribution of Local Associations and International NGOs to the Achievement of SDG 6 (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) in the West region. In addition, the team attended brainstorming and Q&A sessions with mayors and civil representatives to answer questions and inform about our actions in the country.

During the Forum, the participants were introduced to a water tower digitalized by What Water and its Luxembourg-based partner, Koosmik. The team explained the digitalized solution and gave a demonstration in front of officials and major regional actors, which left the attendees impressed.

During its mission, the team had the honor to be welcomed by Mr. Gaston Eloundou Essomba, Minister of Water and Energy, and the directors of the associated departments. The Minister congratulated the team for being active and dynamic in their philanthropic actions. He confirmed his support for What Water’s future initiatives aimed at bringing positive impact to communities across the country and mentioned a visit to one of What Water’s project sites.

The team also met FEICOM to discuss their collaboration and joint actions on the ground. Additionally, the team toured the Cameroonian Culture Center, exploring concepts for a potential rehabilitation project.